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Basophile White Blood Cell Information

Basophils are a type of white blood cell that has an important role as part of the immune system. These basophil cells play an important role in producing inflammatory reactions to fight infection. In addition, basophils also play a role in the emergence of allergic reactions. Blood consists of several components, one of which is white blood cells or also called leukocytes. These white blood cells consist of various kinds, one of which is basophils. This type of blood cell is produced in the bone marrow and is part of the immune system that functions to fight germs that cause infections, heal wounds, and destroy substances or poisons that have the potential to harm the body.

What are the Roles of Basophil White Blood Cells?

Basophil cells have several functions in the body, including:

Destroying foreign objects that enter the body

Basophils are part of the immune system or immune system. One way to work basophils is to detect germs, viruses, or foreign parasites that enter the body, then capture and destroy them. When an infection occurs, basophil cells will call other white blood cells to produce antibodies and eradicate the microorganisms that cause infection.

Prevents blood clots

Basophil white blood cells function to store and release heparin, which is a blood thinning agent that plays a role in preventing blood clots. This substance will be released by basophils when the body is injured or infected.

Produces inflammation due to allergic reactions

Allergic reactions are actually a form of the body's resistance to certain substances that are considered dangerous, when in fact it is not. When the body experiences an allergic reaction, basophil white blood cells will release histamine and encourage the body to produce antibody immunoglobulin E (IgE), which is an antibody produced by the immune system to fight allergens or allergens that enter the body.

Why Can Basophil Levels in the Body Change and What Causes it?

Normal basophil levels are around 1-3 percent of total white blood cells or about 0-200 basophils per microliter of blood. However, several conditions can cause basophil levels in the body to increase. These conditions include:
  • Myeloproliferative disorders

  • This condition refers to the condition when the bone marrow produces too much white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets. Some examples of diseases that are included in this myeloproliferative disorder, include leukemia, polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Autoimmune disease

  • This condition occurs when the body's immune system attacks healthy cells or tissues without infection or other triggers. Some examples of autoimmune diseases that can cause the number of basophils to increase, including rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. If the thyroid hormone in the body is low, the body's metabolic function will slow down. This condition can also cause bone marrow to produce more white blood cells, including basophils.
Symptoms include facial swelling, hoarseness, rough skin, constipation, easy drowsiness, weight gain, and sensitivity to cold temperatures. In addition, some of the conditions below can also reduce your basophil levels:
  • Hyperthyroidism

  • An excess of thyroid hormone can cause your body to react by speeding up your metabolism. This condition can also cause a reduction in the number of basophils in the body. Symptoms include increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, excessive sweating, anxiety, and weight loss
  • Infection

  • Infection of germs, viruses, and parasites is one of the causes of decreased basophil levels. This is especially when the immune system is working too strong to fight infection. However, certain infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis and influenza, can actually make basophil levels in the blood increase.
  • Acute allergic reaction

  • This condition is characterized by excessive body reaction to a substance (allergen). Acute allergic reactions can cause symptoms such as itching, sneezing, runny nose, cough, and runny eyes or nose. Although rare, allergic reactions can be severe enough to potentially be life threatening. This condition is called anaphylactic reaction and needs to be treated immediately by a doctor in the hospital.
Various conditions that can cause an increase or decrease in the amount of basophils in the blood need to be treated immediately. A complete blood count and leukocyte count are the only way to determine the level of basophilic white blood cells in the body. If the results of blood tests show that the number of basophils in your body is problematic, especially if you have a history of illness or have certain health complaints, you should immediately consult this doctor to get the right treatment.


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